onsdag, september 9

the glass is half-empty,

haha uhm yeah. I love photography, everyone knows that by now, but really. I can't photograph not living things! We had this assignment in school to photograph a glass of water, well, not very fun but not very boring either. I've booked the studio on Friday, but thought I could try something home first. So I took the lamp I always use and set up the glass thingie. I came up with these two photos, without using any flash whatsoever. And well, they don't suck... I think, or maybe it's me trying to be positive! XD

AH what ever!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Prova experimentera med kontrollerat ljus. Gå loss med ficklampor etc. Fördelen med icke levande objekt är ju att de oftast står helt stilla vilket möjliggör långa exponeringar om man så vill/behöver.

  2. sant sant! jag ska prova mer i morgon i studion ^^ har ju lite mer förutsättningar där eftersom jag bara hade en lampa hemma -.-

    tack för tipsen! :>
