lördag, november 28

It was a masquerade yesterday and I went as some geisha/something XD

torsdag, november 26

onsdag, november 25


My parents. More will come!

Well, this is kind of my Christmas present to them. I am going to print them out later on also :)

måndag, november 23

more from this set

model: Andrea Dolores
Clothes: Ciilja Hammarlund
make up: Heidi Edberg

söndag, november 22

When you're feeling blah, make yourself happy with a smiley!

anyhow, what's all about not commenting? Feels like I am writing to myself every time I post something new. But hey, who am I to complain :D

fredag, november 20

model: Andrea Dolores
Clothes: Ciilja Hammarlund
make up: Heidi Edberg -

Axel's new hair. XD

Purvins and saaauce :D

haha just had to...


the new trend perhaps :D


half of the class

Well, an ordinary day in school. or not exactly XD

model: Andrea Dolores
Clothes: Ciilja Hammarlund
make up: Heidi Edberg - 

torsdag, november 19

you sure change with time.

photo: Harriet Arnberg

onsdag, november 18

model: Felix Frennessen

Sorry for uploading so much! haha. Went back in my archives and found this one which really had potential. So I played with some textures and here you go!~





model: Dino Muftic

from 2008

I should really take more photos of male models.
I quite like these. Very much.


tisdag, november 17

Feeling all nostalgic <3


and I wonder.. can I ever be serious when someone takes a photo of me? XDDD


by: Pandapod

Finally home. but sick and tired of basically everything. Or I just need to sleep.

photo by: Peter brud
and it's a little old^^

I deleted some photos on my flickr because I have too much. And when I did these were viewable again. So wanted to share.

model: Paula Kanerup
clothes: Svanlund Design

 (mia coldheart)

and last ones...

a favourite of mine.

my haircut which I miss. :<